Nov.29-Dec. 2: - Tuesday thru' Friday afternoon: 112 newly-free books, plus discounted ones as of 12/2 for the same time period, so far. (See page 2 of this blog entry (if you're reading this on the Home page) for details.)
The new X-RAY feature for Kindle Touch:
I'm including this Kindle book because Chloe from the Kindle forums mentioned it as a free book that has the new X-ray feature, for those who now have a Kindle Touch model. Many have wondered what it is actually like, in a book. I explained some of it at The X-Ray reference tool - What it does but that doesn't do much good if you can't see it in action, and it's hard to know which of the newer Kindle books has been given this feature.
Published by FT Press Science, the Product Description says:
"This is the eBook version of the printed book.
Drawn from her San Diego Union-Tribune column.
"For those of us with science questions that range from the profound to the fanciful, Sherry Seethaler is here with the answers. She not only educates with this wonderful collection, she entertains." -- John Cannon, Quest editor, San Diego Union-Tribune
"If you want to learn about the 'Mpemba effect' (why hot water sometimes freezes faster than cold), if you have a burning desire to know about the biosphere we live in, if you have ever wondered about why those pesky black holes don’t swallow the universe and what’s beyond the ‘edge’ of the universe, Sherry Seethaler has a knowledgeable, well-written, and research-based answer for you..." -- Christopher Y. Wu, PhD, Associate Director of the NSF-funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
The following highlighted book the other day had a bad link and didn't work, so I'm reposting this one for 1.5 days
These are artcles on how to survive as a writer in today's world - collected by author Scott Nicholson, focusing on both the craft and the business. Advice from bestselling authors.
All proceeds benefit the non-profit organization Literacy Inc., which promotes reading among teens (although at $0.00, there won't be any for the promo deal.)
A Kindle book that costs more than $0.00 but will be well worth it for those wondering how to work this Kindle Fire thing
Bufo Calvin is the author of 5 other Kindle books and is very popular in the Amazon Kindle forums for his clarity and good humor in answers to questions there, which he does on his own time. He also has a best-selling Kindle-Edition blog, "I Love My Kindle."
Calvin goes through each menu option, step by step, explaining what each does. A lot of the book is in conversational Question and Answer format, in which he interviews himself with the types of questions he has seen most, from the Kindle forums and at his blog, but most important, with some very thorough answers.
(As this is included in an evening blog posting Friday, it'll also be used for a Saturday listing of free book titles released (if even more are released Saturday) and highlighted finds at the top.
Children's Fiction, Grades 1-4
Saturday's Kindle Daily Deal (changes at midnight) is Ivy and Bean: Book 1, by Annie Barrows,
Thursday's price: $3.99, Saturday's discount: $3.00
Saturday's Kindle Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (75% off)
"...will appeal to children who are graduating from beginning readers. The occasional black-and-white illustrations highlight the text and provide visual clues. The characters are appealing, the friendship is well portrayed, and the pranks and adventures are very much on grade level. –- Eve Ottenberg Stone, Cooper Lane Elementary, Landover Hills, MD, School Library Journal"
MORE... ( The temporarily newly-free books and discounted-book forum-alerts are on a 2nd page, off the Home page, which will help loading of the main page more quickly. Those reading this on the Home Page and wanting to go see the details on this specific post can do so by: clicking on "MORE" just below - 112 newly-free Kindle books today)
LATEST DISCOUNTED Kindle books (some temporarily) -
Forum-thread starter RandomizeME cautions, "This thread is [only] for discounts and price drops that readers find from publishers." Another main finder is Emily Bronte.
For 11/29-12/2 (posts)
Emily Bronte reports
. There are pre-ordered books from HarperCollins, w/ bonus material, for $0.99-1.99
. some Christmas specials from Hachette for $1.99
. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt with 2 from Amazon's Best of 2010 for $1.47 and 2.84
. Winner of the Man Booker International Prize 2005, "Chronicle in Stone," for $2.99
. The Incredible Tito: Man of the Hour, by Howard Fast, (a pre-order, Amazon Digital, Dec 13, $0.99
TEMPORARILY-Free Books: Alerts from the Amazon Kindle forums - via the tireless
NOTE: The alerts are quoted from Joyce's roundup, from several sites, of mostly temporarily-free books. They're
' [AnnieB and Joyce, back from vacation Thursday, Dec. 1, posted these]
[Tuesday, 11/29, Late Night, 16 books - AnnieB says]
Hi everyone. I thought Amazon might give me a break but no.....they want to feed your Kindles. :-) There are 16 books tonight...
SuperMegaNet, Vol. 1
SuperMegaNet, Vol. 2
A Christmas Jar for Santa - A Christmas Jars Story
Voices Beckon, Pt. 1: The Voyage
Spirit Lights
One Torrid Beginning
Unnatural Time (Infinity, Ltd.)
A Belt Buckle for Camilla
Through Smoke: Book One in the Troubled Heroes Series (A Firefighting Thriller)
The Chupacabra: A novella
The Imperium vs. The Rebellion (Muzik Chronicles)
The Reiver (A Scottish Border Romance)
The Expat's Pajamas: Barcelona
[Wed., 11/30 - 7 books - AnnieB says]
Good morning everybody.
There are 7 free books this morning. A couple have been offered before and the rest are new. Hope everyone finds some thing they like.
Lie Down in Green Pastures (The Pslam 23 Mysteries)
The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow
Digital Media and Technology in Afterschool Programs, Libraries, and Museums (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning)
First Frost (Mythos Academy)
eye of the god
Kids and Credibility (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning)
The Fence My Father Built
*** [Thursday, December 1, Joyce is back! and lists 60 books]
Miyamoto Musashi's The Book of Five Rings (Infinite Success Series)
Samuel Smiles' Self-Help
The Feel Good Factory on Great Sex
Drop a Dress Size (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Stress-proof Your Business and Your Life
Scrumptious EXCERPT (Free)
The User's guide to the Rabbit (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Charles Mackay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Calm your hyperactive child (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Indigo Blues
Carl von Clausewitz's On War (Infinite Success Series)
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince (Infinite Business Classics)
Marry Me (Zebra Historical Romance)
Cultivate a Cool Career (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Bullying (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Enjoy Retirement (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance (Infinite Success)
Transform Your Life (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Networking (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Have it Your Way (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Boundless Energy (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Healthy Children's Lunches (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Writing bestselling children's books (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Frank Bettger's How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success (Infinite Success Series)
Haunted Illinois: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Prairie State (Haunted Series)
Rain of Bullets: The True Story of Ernest Ingenito's Bloody Family Massacre
The Lazy Winner
Boost Your Child's Confidence (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Incredible Sex (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Lose weight and stay slim (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Secrets of porn star sex (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Child of the Mist (These Highland Hills, Book 1)
World's best romance tips
Be your own best life coach (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Helpful herbs for health and beauty (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Little Book of Big O's (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Haunted New York City: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Big Apple (Haunted (Stackpole))
Raising teenagers (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (Infinite Success Series)
Design on a Crime (Deadly Décor Mysteries, Book 1)
Erotic Fantasies (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Harlequin Holiday Collection: Four Classic Seasonal Novellas: And a Dead Guy in a Pear Tree\Seduced by the Season\Evidence of Desire\Season of Wonder
Bound for the Holidays: Ties That Bind, book 1
O Little Town: A Novel
World's best stress-busting tips
Benjamin Franklin's The Way to Wealth (Infinite Business Classics)
Dangerous Grounds: Seattle Steam, Book 1
Priced to Move (Shop-Til-U-Drop, Book 1)
Haunted Virginia: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Old Dominion (Stackpole Haunted Series)
Jinxed (Friends and Lovers Collection)
The brilliant book of calm (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Love, Unexpectedly
10 People Every Christian Should Know E-book
Play great guitar (Manga Life)
C. Northcote Parkinson's Parkinson's Law (Infinite Success)
Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich (Infinite Business Classics)
A Hearth in Candlewood (The Candlewood Trilogy, Book 1)
Karl Marx's Das Kapital (Infinite Success Series)
Power-up Pilates (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Fred Schwed's Where are the Customers' Yachts? (Infinite Success)
***** [Thursday, December 1 -- 2 more free books]
Socs and Greasers: Behind The Scenes of The Outsiders from Rob Lowe's Stories I Only Tell My Friends
Author: Rob Lowe
Genre: Memoir - Biography
*** Pre-Order for January 3, 2012 ***
DESCRIPTION: A scene taken straight from Rob Lowe's New York Times bestselling memoir, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, a wryly funny and surprisingly moving account of an extraordinary life lived almost entirely in the public eye. In Socs and Greasers, Lowe tells us what it was like to work on the set of The Outsiders, a film that helped launch the careers of many of today's biggest stars, including Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Emilio Estevez, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas Howell, and Rob Lowe himself.
John Green eSpecial: An eSpecial from Dutton Children's Books
Author: John Green
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
*** Pre-Order for December 08, 2011 ***
DESCRIPTION: The John Green Free eBook Sampler is the ultimate introduction to bestselling, award-winning author John Green. Featuring excerpts from Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and his newest novel, The Fault in Our Stars, this free eBook preview gives an unforgettable sample of Green's brilliant-and brilliantly funny-books.
***** [ Friday, December 2 - 27 more books at 8:01 PM pst ]
27 Free Books
All I Want For Christmas
Her Last Letter
The Steel Valentine
The Path Home
Dan's Party (Maybourne Series)
King Jeremy
Daddy Catches His Little Sl$t (Daddy Sex Stories)
Fading Away
Holiday Rush (from Holiday Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories)
North of Sunset
Pirates of Savannah: The Hunt for Shamus's Booty
Cultivating Love
Parallel Worlds
Lily Marin - three short steampunk stories
The Last Man
An Elementary Study of Islam
The Interview
Four Kisses (contemporary romance)
Socialite 1 Book 1: Bees to Benny
The Half-Life of Johnny Seiko - Part I: Hard Lessons (The Seiko Odyssey)
Sweet Masterpiece (The Samantha Sweet Mysteries)
The Resurrected -- Part One
Tight Little Stitches in a Dead Man's Back
Avoiding Space Madness (Fantasy of a Novel Idea) '
[The above are from Joyce's free-book alerts Tuesday-Friday, aided by Lucy/Annie B., in the forums.
11/29, 16; 11/30, 7, 12/1 - morning, 60; 12/1 - later, 2; , 27 -- total 112 books for Tuesday through Friday night. (27 more came in while I was about to post the article.]
Amazon's own ongoing listing of LIMITED-TIME OFFERS - Promos Amazon sorts these by Bestsellers first. I've added a by Low-to-High pricing. Editors' Picks: $1.99-$3.99 thru' December 3 | Free contemporary books: subsets Filters out excerpts, chapters, previews US: by Last 30+ days Nov 2011 Publication Date Late-listed Bestselling High-ratings UK: by PubDate Popular |
Ongoing popular discussions (See Kindle Forums for more.)
. Kindle Fire for nonTech person? Newer
. Kindle Fire Keyboard.. Anyone else having issues? Newer
. Any happy Kindle Touch owners?
. Kindle Fire video on airplane compared with iPad video, a tense thread :-) Newer
. Got my Fire!
. Feel like almost crying - Kindle loss and personalizing Kindles - lighthearted
. Unusual calls from Amazon because of forum posts
. Personal docs now sendable to individual Kindles again
. To Avoid Confusion, Please Use the Official Product Names in Forum" [entertaining]
. Discussion of geographic restrictions on digital purchases
. Discount-alert books discussed on separate message thread (Newer)
. What have been your favorite public domain books that are not so well known?
. Best "Free" books you've read (many are no longer free, however).
. Highly recommended Indie authors
. Unique Uses of Kindles
Other current forum threads that might interest some
Public Library Lending questions at the forums, and Lendle's Kindle borrowing
. How many e-books does your public library have?
. Public librarians: what has been your Kindle/Overdrive experience?
. Changes to lendle (This is Kindle owner-to-Kindle owner lending.)
The changes include incentives for offering loaners
Kindle Touch 3G Kindle Touch WiFi Kindle Basic (UK: KBasic) Kindle Fire
Kindle Keybd 3G (UK: Kindle Keybd 3G) K3 Special Offers K3-3G Special Offers DX
Check often: Temporarily-free late-listed non-classics or recently published ones
Guide to finding Free Kindle books and Sources. Top 100 free bestsellers. Liked-books under $1
UK-Only: recently published non-classics, bestsellers, or £5 Max ones
Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.
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