Nov. 7: - Monday: Morning - 6 newly-free books
ABC Studios offered, in September, a free Kindle edition of the Pilot Episode Script of their tv series Revenge, which they were featuring pretty heavily in what many of us considered obnoxiously repeated ads so that we had become sick of the show before it even started.
As it turns out, though, it became the surprise hit of the TV season (TV Guide and other articles), even beating CSI and winning the 10pm hour Nov 3, and has received the go-ahead for a full season, so I'm highlighting what was the script of the Pilot episode for those interested in that.
I've read that they modified the pilot somewhat after that script was released, but I haven't kept up with the details. It explains some of the background though. "Listed" at $0.99, it's still $0.00
Somewhat interestingly, The NY Times's Alessandra Stanley points out its timely theme of revenge against the entitled excesses of some elements of the rich and says "It's Gossip Girl" tailored to this economy, with just enough campy suspense to be enjoyable."
It's loosely based on 'The Count of Monte Cristo'..."Mostly, 'Revenge' is a corrective to past nighttime soap operas about the filthy rich that didn't punish them enough..." :-) "It does offer a different take on female rivalry...focuses on mean-girl power struggles, with malice as the weapon of choice...More than sex, love, or friendship, money is the currency of power, and women are those pursuing it... [Isn't that fairly depressing?]
The rich get richer on 'Revenge' and the poor get even." Mostly, I've seen, in a quick look at discussions, that viewers mostly like the idea of someone normally powerless getting revenge (w/o intent to physically harm someone) and with truly campy action, well-acted, that succeeds at being suspense-filled - not easy to do. Show synopses + Hulu link for the interested.
The digital 'list' price is obviously a mistake! although it's not even as funny as the price it's sold for under the 'paperback' version if you click on that.
From the product description: ""...Over a six-year period, [Joseph David] Osman listened intently to prisoners, village elders and men and teens, former Taliban soldiers and sympathizers, and academics and military and civilian leaders. In all his conversations with the people of Afghanistan, a pattern emerged: they wanted peace, freedom and liberty. And they were willing to fight for those universal rights."
Of course not everyone responds well to kindness, but listening is generally a pretty good idea. The book has 145 b/w photographs also.
Click it to see what the daily deal book is, at any time.)
Right as Rain (Derek Strange and Terry Quinn), by George Pelecanos, 54 customer reviews, 4.1 stars
Daily Deal until the end of Monday, 11/7:
Sunday's Price: $7.99
Monday's Discount: $6.00
Monday's Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (75% off)
" is usually the case with Pelecanos, it's the characters who give the story the gritty, dark twists that have become the author's trademark. The cast is wonderfully varied, yet Pelecanos also manages to capture the essence of most of his characters with just a few descriptive licks. It's Strange, however, who steals the show. He's a mature man with a highly defined sense of who he is--an aging private eye who knows that his best weapons these days are his wits and wisdom...British, Italian, French and Japanese rights have already been sold, and a five-city author tour will start sales rolling in the U.S." -- Publishers Weekly
"Pelecanos has created a tremendously powerful protagonist..." -- USA Today"
"...well-paced and absorbing...explores racial and social issues without sentimentality or preaching and with a hefty dose of dark, city humor..." -- Portsmouth Herald"
MORE... ( The temporarily newly-free books and discounted-book forum-alerts are on the 2nd page now, to load the main page more quickly and so that those wanting to go through the details can do so by: clicking on "MORE" just below)
LATEST DISCOUNTED Kindle books (some temporarily) -
Forum-thread starter RandomizeME cautions, "This thread is [only] for discounts and price drops that readers find from publishers." Another main finder is Emily Bronte.
For 11/6-7
Includes lower-cost:
Alert by Emily Bronte
The featured $0.99 book above.
Surrender to Kindness by Joseph David Osman for $0.99
Alert by D. Baker
Sociable! How Social Media is Turning Sales and Marketing Upside Down
"Was just reading an article in about the 22 year old who made BofA back down on its debit card fees by using social media to organize and strengthen the protest."
TEMPORARILY-Free Books: Alerts from the Amazon Kindle forums - via the tireless
NOTE: The alerts are quoted from Joyce's collecting of mostly temporarily-free books. They're
' Happy Reader "Joyce" says:
Black Market Billions: How Organized Retail Crime Funds Global Terrorists
Author: Hitha Prabhakar
Genre: History
DESCRIPTION: Most people wouldn't think that buying an off-the-truck designer bag could fund terrorism. In my three decades of experience as a former Detective Investigator with the NYPD and now running a private investigation firm, I can say that Hitha understands and explains why this is a dangerous mentality to have. In Black Market Billions, she spells out why the mindset that a stolen designer handbag is a bargain disappears once you consider that your purchase may be funding a deadly organized crime group.
Dance of the Seven Veils (Dance, Book One)
Author: Cris Anson
Genre: Erotica
DESCRIPTION: Book 1 in the Dance series. Robbed of her self-esteem during a loveless marriage, recently divorced Lyssa Markham allows her best friend to drag her, costumed as Salome, to a masquerade. She's shocked then intrigued to discover the participants are members of an exclusive sex club. Hiding behind her mask, she permits her long-submerged sensual side to re-emerge as erotic sights and sounds bombard her. Seeing a darkly sexy gladiator inspires her to dance for him, seductively removing one veil at a time until she falls naked into his hot embrace.Days later, she learns her ex has neglected to fulfill an urgent financial stipulation in the divorce decree. Unable to reach him, she storms into his lawyer's office to resolve the problem and comes face to face with her gladiator. His first words, "Lift up your skirt Salome."Robert Savidge is everything a woman could want-rich, handsome, successful. Should she obey her impulse and run from him? Or can she find the courage to explore her nascent sensuality with this man who so obviously wants to teach her?
Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action
Author: Peter W. Navarro
Genre: History
DESCRIPTION: At a time when there is a perception that China is the next world power, this book puts the spotlight on a different aspect of China, a country that does not seem ready to be a responsible member of the comity of nations. The international community's failure to take this Chinese reality into consideration will not only be detrimental to the rest of the world, but more so to the Chinese, Tibetan and other people who are confronted with the consequences on a daily basis.
Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life
Author: Richard W. Paul
Genre: Self-Help
DESCRIPTION: Critical Thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life: in your career, and as a consumer, citizen, friend, parent, and lover. Discover the core skills of effective thinking; then analyze your own thought processes, identify weaknesses, and overcome them. Learn how to translate more effective thinking into better decisions, less frustration, more wealth Ñ and above all, greater confidence to pursue and achieve your most important goals in life.
Inspire!: Why Customers Come Back
Author: Jim Champy
Genre: Business and Investing
DESCRIPTION: 8 powerful ways to inspire today's tough customers in tough times and make them stick!
Career Survival Kit (Collection), The (2nd Edition)
Author: Richard Templar
Genre: Business and Investing
DESCRIPTION: Three great eBooks help you build an outstanding career! Four Secrets to Liking Your Work helps you make any job more fulfilling and joyful. Use Get a Life, Not a Job to redesign your career with more passion, balance, and money! Then, master The Rules of Work, Expanded Edition's 108 easy, bite-size rules for moving ahead fast! '
[These are from Joyce's free-books alert Monday in the forums, 11/7, 6 books
Amazon's own ongoing listing of LIMITED-TIME OFFERS - Promos Amazon sorts these by Bestsellers first. I've added a by Low-to-High pricing. Editors' Picks: $1.99-$3.99 thru' November | Free contemporary books: subsets Filters out excerpts, chapters, previews US: by Last 30+ days Nov 2011 Publication Date Late-listed Bestselling High-ratings UK: by PubDate Popular |
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