Because of that, rather than regale you with lists of linked free Kindle books that become available each day, I've added, into the footers of each blog article, the links where you can see at any moment the new, temporarily-free Non-classics that are available that day, or that hour.
I know that many people use these links regularly, but I also imagine that some ignore footers, so I am doing a reminder here. This way I can focus on news and/or tips each day, with an average of 5 articles a week. I spend a lot more time researching than writing, as that involves reading most Kindle news articles published (often adding information in the comment-areas) and visiting several forums each day, where I also contribute in exchange for what I learn from those.
As I've mentioned, if you're interested in general e-reader-world news that I'm monitoring as well, I use Twitter to send or retweet alerts on some of those and even, at times, more general odd news such as health-related information, and it's probably easiest to use Tweetree to see those.
Unfortunately, for those of us in the U.S., the U.K. Kindlestore products are available only to UK customers.
As with the U.S. ones, use them at any time to see the latest. These will be by bestselling, publication date, and average rating.
This is the line that will be added to the footer for temporarily-free Non-classics:
UK-Only: recently published non-classics, bestselling, or highest-rated ones
The continuing Free Kindle Books page that explains the many sources available (and which I'll organize better someday) will be updated this coming week to include the UK links also.
I generally don't list the books because (for me) it can look almost like an endorsement, so I prefer to just give people the source links.
I hope those in the UK will also find these helpful, and the rest of us can watch the differences in offerings and pricing, although, as mentioned in an earlier article here, Amazon is resisting the Big5 movement to use the Agency model in the UK also, with fixed-prices of their choice, to be the same at all online UK e-book stores. That article links to the UK forum discussion of this and there are currently 452 notes of reaction, pro and con on the situation.
Kindle 3's (UK: Kindle 3's), DX Graphite
Check often: Temporarily-free late-listed non-classics or recently published ones
Guide to finding Free Kindle books and Sources. Top 100 free bestsellers.
UK-Only: recently published non-classics, bestsellers, or highest-rated ones
Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.
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