Staples gets the Kindle 3's today, per CNET's reminder, and will sell some accessories for it as well. The DX is due in their stores mid-November.
Everything that Wired knows so far about Amazon's Android App Store
Wired/GadgetLab's Priya Ganapati has an interesting article on all they know so far about Amazon’s long-awaited Android App Store.
She reports that "The company has reportedly sent welcome kits to some developers to entice them to start signing on to the store, according to reports in The Wall Street Journal and Engadget."
"Spam, poor quality of apps, and the inability to easily find apps are major problems in the Android Market...For consumers, it will be exciting if Amazon can bring features such as recommendations, wish lists and deals to its app store."
As with Apple's app store, developers will have to pay $100 to sign up for Amazon's, and Amazon will decide what gets into its store, per a TechCrunch report. At launch it will be U.S. only but it shouldn't be long, most agree, before Amazon goes global with them -- they had said on the Kindle forums (when Every Word and Shuffled Rows came out) that the apps would eventually be available internationally.
From Commenters at the Wired story:
" RichardL
[ Re Apple's App Store and Google's Android Market being difficult for developers to market in]
Amazon may be able to provide an alternative market for apps that works better for consumers and is a healthier option for developers to use to monetize their products."
" Aardfark
I for one find the Apple App Store unnecessarily hard to use. I want to be able to search within a category, for instance, or search only free apps. Or both. Or see a count of the number of apps that match a given search. Simple things like that. It would be nice to be able to save searches, create and share recommendation lists... there's lots of ways the App Store could be improved.
Apple has certainly filtered out some amount of garbage, and their popularity lists and rating/reviewing systems are good to have, but they haven't created anything near as good a store as they're capable of. "
You can see more at the Wired story that I didn't include here.
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