Age Smart: , by Jeffrey Rosensweig and Betty Liu,
Each reviewer gives it 5 stars.
"It’s not about staying young, but aging well." -- Midwest Book Review
"Rosensweig and Liu, a finance professor and a business journalist, respectively, offer a “holistic approach to aging smart..." "...based on staying productive, staying active, and staying young in body and mind..."
Each reviewer gives it 5 stars. interview with the author is on the product page.
"Max Allan Collins is the author of the Shamus Award-winning Nathan Heller historical thrillers; his other books include the New York Times bestseller Saving Private Ryan and the bestselling CSI series. His comics writing ranges from the graphic novel Road to Perdition, source of the Tom Hanks film, to long runs as scripter of the 'Dick Tracy' comic strip and his own innovative 'Ms. Tree.'"
Click it to see what the daily deal book is, at any time.)
West of the Tularosa, by Louis L'Amour, 1 customer review, 5 stars
by someone who loves his books in general but hasn't read this one
Daily Deal until the end of Tuesday 9/27:
Monday's Price: $5.59
Tuesday's Discount: $4.60
Tuesday's Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (82% off)
From the product and editorial description: "A collection of classic L’Amour stories, restored to their original magazine versions"
Amazon description: "...self-described "troubadour, village tale-teller, man in the shadows of a campfire"--a storyteller for all times."
LATEST DISCOUNTED Kindle books (some temporarily) forum thread:
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