Publisher: FT Press
From the Publishers Weekly: "...Beginning with Attila's attack of Rome, which was likely stopped by dysentery, and continuing through modern diseases such as AIDS and the Ebola virus, Clark investigates a large number of illnesses and uncovers the ways in which they have impacted historical events...With wit and humor, the author turns death, an ever-heavy topic, into an engrossing exploration of the course of mankind."
That review also mentions a "lack of references." Some customer reviews say it's inaccurate and shallow and has a decided political viewpoint.
From the Product Description: "...Don’t pay someone to pick stocks! Do it better yourself...! Next, Michael Kahn completely demystifies technical analysis and shows you exactly how to apply it--easily, painlessly, profitably. Then, Marvin Appel helps you use bonds and income-producing equity strategies to meet your income needs without unacceptable risk."
Exclamation points and overpromising the features of a book would have me avoiding the product, but it's free, so risk is minimal.
Publisher: FT Press
About the Author: "...a Distinguished Professor of Dispute Resolution & Organizations at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. She directs the Leading High Impact Teams executive program, the Kellogg Team and Group Research Center, and co-directs the Negotiation Strategies for Managers program."
“The 53 Truths provide incredible insight into the art and science of negotiating. This is a must read for sales professionals but is equally beneficial to all who wish to be better negotiators.”
- CHRIS WEBER, Vice President, West Region Enterprise, Microsoft Corporation
“A superbly presented summary of practical tools and techniques for negotiating in all types of situations, and creating win-win solutions that result in enduring business relationships. Provides substantiated evidence of what works successfully–and pitfalls to avoid–in the game of negotiation.”
- RUSSELL D’SOUZA, International Credit Manager, Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Publisher: FT Press
From the Product Description: "...Harvard psychiatrist Srinivasan S. Pillay reveals how the latest research in neuroscience can help you lead, communicate, and collaborate more effectively…"
Certainly a different approach for a motivational work...
Amazon is apparently going into publishing in a big way, which has been upsetting to the traditional book industry.
e-reads reports that "According to an Amazon source, Laurence Kirshbaum, former CEO of the Time-Warner Book Group and more recently a literary agent, 'has accepted the role of Publisher for Amazon’s New York publishing office, effective July 5th.
"Kirshbaum will assemble an editorial team that will develop and manage new Amazon imprints “with a focus on acquiring the highest quality books in literary and commercial fiction, YA, business and general non-fiction,” said the source."
An earlier e-reads column pointed out that "Amazon has announced the launch of a romance line, Montlake Romance. It will lead off with a novel by Rita-winner Connie Brockway, which will be published in all formats including print.
More genre lines are on the way, starting with fantasy and science fiction. We know because Amazon just hired former Del Rey editor Chris Schluep."
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